Basics of Tracking Ad Performance


Digital Marketing


What is ‘Ad Tracking’?

‘Ad tracking’ is also known as ‘post-tracking’, and refers to the tracking and measurement of the effectiveness of an advertisement or advertising campaign. It is a well-established process in the field of market research, where streamlined techniques are used to monitor brand performance in such metrics as penetration or awareness of the advertisement, demonstration and usage of the product, and feedback from potential customers regarding their intention to purchase the brand in question ahead of its rivals.

Why use Ad Tracking?

In simplest terms, ad tracking provides a measure of effectiveness of the advertisement or campaign against expenditure, making a cost/return analysis easy. It also allows for judgment of success of the brand in its target market, and assists in assessing the quality of execution of the advertisement, and the market’s reaction to the creative thinking of the advertising agents.

It has lately become more common to use different techniques of online ad tracking to monitor either the creative effectiveness or the market penetration outcome of a specific medium. Whilst doing so can allow an immediate comparison of the target brand’s direct competiveness against rival brands, it should be realized that the entirety of ad tracking data is input into Marketing Mix Models (MMMs), which are purposefully designed by marketing industry statisticians to calculate estimated returns on investment, or ROI.

When a researcher is fully armed with relevant information – i.e. the date the ad was launched, the length of the campaign, & the advertising expenditure – then regardless of whether the tracking is done by frequent interviewing of the customer base, or more intermittently (typically every three or six months), the outcome is always a clearly defined picture of the marketplace before and after the impact of the advertisement, and thus its relative success.

How to Ad Track Successfully

While it is feasible to conduct ad tracking surveys by telephone interview, online research is more successful, due to the availability of visual cues to the consumer. Telephone research alone relies heavily on the caller’s ability to successfully educe a response in a purely verbal manner, thus accessing only part of the consumer’s memory of the brand or advertisement.

Without doubt, ad tracking is a terrific way of efficiently monitoring your advertising effectiveness, minimizing your cost and maximizing your ROI, and ensuring your target market continues to make positive associations with your brand.

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