Is Blog Commenting Worth My Time?


Internet Business Basics


In the online world, bloggers and website owners are always in the quest to creating good internet traffic for their websites. That is why internet marketing strategies were developed to help bloggers and site owners spread the word about their sites. The main goal is to reach as many people as possible and get them to visit the site. There are many ways to get good traffic and one of them is through blog commenting.

Recently, there have been arguments that this strategy is no longer effective. It is believe that through the years, this form of internet marketing has become less and less effective and thus, is now obsolete. There are still those who believe that this is still effective despite the annoying spammers who have corrupted the effectiveness of blog commenting.

Right way for the right reason

Is blog commenting worth your time? A little bit of yes and no. It all depends on how you do it, because most of the time people do it the wrong way for the wrong reasons. If you ask why bloggers comment on other blogs, the answer is to get “good traffic.” It simply means that they want people to visit their site through the back links. They comment on blogs like “nice blog” or “I love your post” expecting to get good traffic. These bloggers are doing it the wrong way and definitely for the wrong reasons! They are just wasting time if this is their way of commenting on blogs. You don’t expect people to notice your comment when it’s that plain and unsubstantial. What you have to do is be interesting and engaging. Your comment should make people want to read it, only then you will get the attention of the readers, making them want to know more about what you have to say about other things, thus drawing them to your blog or website. There are effective ways to make blog commenting effective, one is to be engaging. Just keep in mind why you are doing this — you are blog commenting because you want interact; you want to communicate with other bloggers. Make that your reason, not just merely because you want to increase your traffic. Just do it the right way for right reason and you can’t go wrong. Common mistake that bloggers do is to leave generic comments with a link to their blogs. Even though it isn’t, it will appear like a spam. People hate spam comments and emails, so don’t expect people to click your link.

Help yourself and help others

When you comment on blogs, did you know that you are helping yourself as well as the blogger who owns the post? You are helping yourself because once you are engaging; you’re developing or creating connections with the other bloggers. This means, you are starting to create a network of bloggers. Having a network of bloggers will help you a lot in the future especially when you will be needing guest bloggers to post on your blog. Also, it is given that you have to read articles and blog posts in order to comment about it. Unconsciously, as you read from one post to another, you are actually developing your own skills. How? By constantly reading, you are developing your grammar and vocabulary through the posts of others; learning their styles in writing and exposing you to different topics.

Now, how do they benefit from your blog commenting? You are helping them by making their website an engaging one. When someone genuinely comments on a post, the owner will definitely be thrilled. A comment can simply be a reaction or opinion but it can also lead to discussions. When it turns into a discussion, you as well as the owner can learn from each other’s point of view and knowledge;  it will be a pleasant exchange of ideas and opinions.

Final Thoughts

Blog commenting is not just beneficial to you, but also to the blogger who owns the post. Through your engaging and substantial comments, you are also helping them develop their own skills and teaching them new information. It is a continuous learning process. Is blog commenting worth your time? YES, as long as you do it the right way.

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