Best Ways Of Building Your Twitter Network


Digital Marketing


Twitter is proven to be very helpful when it comes to marketing products and services. Many businesses and companies can attest to its effectiveness. Twitter has the power to reach a wide range of audiences from around the globe. Twitter also has the power to narrow down your audience according to your specifications. Twitter, is in nature, a viral form of social media. Of course, businesses and companies will benefit so much when their tweets become viral.  That is why businesses and companies should start creating a good network now to make good use of its many benefits. Here are some tips on how to build a good Twitter network.

Set a Target Audience

When we think of Twitter, the usual basis for a successful account is on the number of followers the account has. It is true, but not necessarily all the time. Having thousands of followers does not determine the effectiveness of your Twitter account, especially when it is made for marketing purposes. What will you do with all those followers if they are not interested on your tweets? What your business needs are quality and relevant Twitter followers. It simply means you need followers that could possibly be interested to avail your services or buy your products. Like any other businesses, the first thing you should do is to set a target audience or your target market. Who are you attracting? Once you set your target, next step is to look for ways for them to find you.

Make a Good Profile

An updated bio  and a good photo for your profile can contribute a lot in attracting followers. Describing your company or business in your bio and stating your interests, products and services will help in getting your target followers who are interested in availing or buying your products and services. Once people start visiting your profile, they will immediately see what to expect when they follow you.

Use “#” and “@”

These very simple symbols can make wonders to your twitter account. Adding hashtags (#) will help you get your target audience to see your tweets and account. By using hashtags together with keywords like #ThisIsHowItWorks, you are labeling your tweet, which makes it easier for people to find you. Once Twitter users want to know about trending topics or topics they are interested in, they use this powerful tool to see relevant tweets. The key is to use keywords that people are more likely to use like for example, “I discovered a very helpful website about online marketing! #HelpfulWebsite #OnlineMarketing #WebProsDallas.” If you noticed, the example showed three sets of hashtagged keywords, using two or more hashtags are helpful when you are still establishing your Twitter account. Here’s the tip, when you are creating a tweet, hashtag the relevant keywords first like #HelpfulWebsite and #OnlineMarketing followed by the brand, business or company you want to promote like #WebProsDallas. When Twitter users who searched for #HelpFulWebsite get to see your tweet, they will also see the other hashtagged keywords. Even if they haven’t heard of the company yet, they will then discover it because of the hashtags.

Second symbol is “@”  which tags the user whose username is typed next to the symbol (like @webprosdallas). This is the best way for you to interact with you Twitter followers and a way to make relevant people follow you. If you search for relevant keywords through the hashtag search, you will find Twitter users who are potential customers or buyers. By interacting with them through tagging using “@,” there is a possibility that they will follow you. When you tag users, they will see who tagged them when they open their accounts.

Schedule your Tweeting

In order to be more effective, it is important to tweet at peak hours. You have to post tweets during hours when people are usually online. Although a lot of Twitter users use mobile apps and have access to Twitter 24/7, according to surveys, there are peak hours when people are usually engaging in Twitter and not just simply checking their accounts.

Be Interesting

You have to post updates and interesting tweets that would attract your followers to retweet you. When a follower retweets you, your tweet will appear in their followers’ news feed. Which means that more people get to see your tweet. If you are creative enough, your tweet can be viral.

Invest Time

Now that you got all these advice and tips on how to build your Twitter Network, it’s time to use the knowledge you gained.  If you want to build an effective Twitter Network, you have to invest time. Even if you are packed with knowledge on how to make a good Twitter Network, if you don’t invest your time, all those knowledge will come to waste. Remember you have to engage with your followers and potential followers, which means you have to allot some of your precious time to build your Twitter network.


Web Pros Dallas has been providing web design and digital marketing services helping grow local businesses for the past 20 years.


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Suite 101
Chandler, AZ 85226